Book Cover
编号   SH057
书名   Digital Signal Transmission
作者   C. C. Bissell • David A. Chapman
出版社   Cambridge Univ Pr9
出版时间   1992年
类别    教学参考
状态    正常
简介 This book provides an up-to-date and thorough grounding in the concepts of modern digital transmission. It is written in a pedagogic style, aimed at enabling readers to understand the fundamental concepts and processes. System descriptions are included, however the text also explains the basic techniques of transmission, and includes the necessary mathematical background. The basic processes, such as matched filter detection, pulse shaping, line coding, channel coding, error detection and correction, etc. are described in the central part of the book. Understanding the concepts behind these processes requires a grasp of basic mathematical models, and this is provided in the first part of the book. Finally, to put the processes in context, the third part describes elements of the public switched telephone network. The book is written throughout in a modern, digital context, and is comprehensively illustrated with helpful figures. Although the models (time- and frequency-domain concepts) have wider